I will entitle this Brotherly love even though Carrot is a girl. The first pictures are of Drew and his baby brother Nate. Then we have our dog Mac who mercilessly attacks carrot, the cat that he is snuggling with in the picture. He bites her tell and chases her and bites her ears so I couldn't help but take this photo when I peered out the window to see them napping together. They are bitter enemies at times and best buddies at other times...kind of like our sons!
About Me

- Joyce Howerton
- We have lived in Romania for 16 years now. We have 6 kids. The top photo of our family is the day we met the twins, just before their 4th birthday. We were granted custody of them on their 5th birthday.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Another weekend has past! Life seems to go faster and faster. Baron turned 35 last week and I will turn 34 soon! Nate is crawling now. It is time to get him some baby food. He is eating cereal but is ready to move on. Sunday went well. I had 14 kids in Sunday School! For those of you who don't know about my SS class...that is a huge crowd. For a long while it has just been my 3 boys. I think we are finally seeing some results from kids club. I had 9 kids last week and I guess they enjoyed it because they came back and brought some more. The older ones correct my Romanian from time to time (how humbling to be corrected by a child).
Pray that Baron can continue to rent a gym on Wed nights to minister to young men through soccer.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Here is our chubby Nate. He is 7 months old now and trying very hard to crawl. He does get to where he wants to go now. The boys were playing with their cars and he was on the floor and saw all those wonderful colorful cars and he kicked and screached and wiggled until he reached his destination...the matchbox cars. We have to start putting little things away now that he can move around. What a challenge this will be!
We had kids club today. It was the first one since before the holiday's. Attendance was down but we still had fun. Cristina is now telling the story. She is learning to tell it instead of read it. She is doing a great job. Erin draws a picture during the story with chalk. A child that was very quiet during the story receives the picture.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
I have many favorite verses but I wanted to share one passage that I have been praying lately. I read a book called, A Journey To Victorious Praying that really blessed me. One of the suggestions was to pray Scripture so I have started doing that. I have been praying this passage for my family and friends and our church family here in Romania. Ephesians 1:17-19 (Amp)
"(For I always pray to) the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation (of insight into mysteries and secrets) in the (deep and intimate) knowledge of Him, By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones). And (so that you can know and understand) what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength."
We serve a great God who is prepared to do great things in the lives of those who believe!
"(For I always pray to) the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation (of insight into mysteries and secrets) in the (deep and intimate) knowledge of Him, By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones). And (so that you can know and understand) what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength."
We serve a great God who is prepared to do great things in the lives of those who believe!
Monday, January 8, 2007
Today the boys went back to school...finally! Erin is here with us this year teaching them and two other children. I am so thankful. It frees me up to spend time with Nate and Drew. It also helps me have more time to practice the piano, plan some ladies crafts night at church, and to teach a health class at the Bible college this semester. It looks like she is interested in staying on another year too! What a blessing. I really am thankful for how easy our boys are to raise and discipline. They are easily entertained and are very good at entertaining themsevles. I can't complain, I am able to get a lot done even with 4 boys running around the house! Here is our Christmas Day self portrait of our family. I know that this will be in our prayer letter but I have to share this blessing. This is so specific and our God is so great. We had Changed Into His Image translated and are in the process of publishing it. Not much money had come in for this project and so we were going to have to pay at the end of this month and it looked like we would have to use the money from the sale of our car that we were setting aside for a much needed roof. We found out that this month we got in just the amount that we needed for the book. I had decided not to be upset about not getting a new roof...if God wanted to me to have water spots on my ceiling then so be it...if He wanted us to have a new roof, He would provide it. He cares about us and wants and desires to show us His love and pour out His blessings upon us if we just trust Him and believe that He is who He says he is and that He can do what He says He can do! I am trusting in Him to do many more great things in our lives this year and in the lives of our flock of believers and their families!
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Thankful for family
After visiting a children's home this weekend it made me thankful for the home I was raised in and hopefully will be an eye opener for our boys to realize how thankful they should be for their family. The children's home is run by an American woman and her Romanian husband. It is in excellent condition and well run. There are 22 kids there and they are well cared for and loved.
I didn't take any pictures but I know we will be going back. We discussed ways to get involved in orphanages and they told us it is very hard now. We will still attempt to get into one of the places left here in town. They have closed down all big institutions but are in denial about all the babies that are still being abandoned (the government that is). All children 2 and under are not allowed in private orphanages. They are kept in an institution until they are 2 and that way the government doesn't have to "count" them as orphans because they are not in an "orphanage." Pray with us that God will open the door for us to work with orphans here in our town. The children's home we visited is only 20 minutes away and we plan on staying in contact with them and spending time with them.
I didn't take any pictures but I know we will be going back. We discussed ways to get involved in orphanages and they told us it is very hard now. We will still attempt to get into one of the places left here in town. They have closed down all big institutions but are in denial about all the babies that are still being abandoned (the government that is). All children 2 and under are not allowed in private orphanages. They are kept in an institution until they are 2 and that way the government doesn't have to "count" them as orphans because they are not in an "orphanage." Pray with us that God will open the door for us to work with orphans here in our town. The children's home we visited is only 20 minutes away and we plan on staying in contact with them and spending time with them.
I want to tell you about Zachary. He turned 8 on Christmas Eve. He woke up Nov. 12th and told me that he asked God to save him the night before. So, I asked him if God had saved him. He said he didn't know. I sent him up to talk to Baron and when Zach came back down he told me he was saved. He told me several mornings later, "hey mom, I have been born two times now. The first time on Christmas Eve and the second time when I was born into God's family!" It is such a blessing and joy to see him taking small steps each day and growing in his relationship with God. He now prays that his little brothers will get saved. I love to hear my children praise God and be in awe of Him. One night on the way to church we observed how bright and beautiful the moon was. Then we saw the clouds moving fast. The boys were amazed. "Wow, how did God do that, that is amazing." They were admiring his handy work when Zach said, "When we get to heaven I hope God explains how he made the world by just speaking and I sure hope he explains the Trinity because that sure is hard to understand!" I told him that was a hard one for us all to understand, we don't have to understand something to believe it is true though! I will add a of Zach's birthday party.
New Years
We had scheduled to have a party at church but we decided that if there weren't more than 20 people we could have it at our house so Nate could go to bed. We had 16 people over. We ate and played games and had a fun time. When it was time to set off the fire works our dog Mac, went wild. We had to shut him up in the bathroom. He is a Golden Retriever and is only 3 months old but very large. The people here don't have a lot of games to play so they all thought the party was great and they had a lot of fun. We played Phase 10 mostly. The older ladies LOVED looking at all my scrapbooks:). One more proof to my husband that it is not a wasted activity to scrapbook!
Ok, this is my first time to do this! I know it should be easy but I really am computer illiterate! I want to be able to keep family and friends updated with pictures and every day life in our family so when I saw Erin's blog I decided this was a good way to do it. Although right now she does an excellent job and keeping pictures of my kids posted I don't know that she will be with our family forever so I thought I better start now.
We had a nice peaceful, mild Christmas. We had our church dinner on Christmas Eve. It was a smaller group this year but we still had a good time of fellowshiop. We spent the morning at church. The boys woke up and opened theirs stockngs, then we went to church. We came home and after Baron got the fires going we tore into the presents! We were blessed with many wonderful gifts from church families and friends. We then put the turkey in the oven and relaxed and played with our many new family games!
We had a nice peaceful, mild Christmas. We had our church dinner on Christmas Eve. It was a smaller group this year but we still had a good time of fellowshiop. We spent the morning at church. The boys woke up and opened theirs stockngs, then we went to church. We came home and after Baron got the fires going we tore into the presents! We were blessed with many wonderful gifts from church families and friends. We then put the turkey in the oven and relaxed and played with our many new family games!
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