About Me

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We have lived in Romania for 16 years now. We have 6 kids. The top photo of our family is the day we met the twins, just before their 4th birthday. We were granted custody of them on their 5th birthday.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

From a 12 year old's perspective

I know, I know you probably don't even check my blog anymore due to the lack of interesting updates but I was looking through the scrapbook I kept of our year in the states and found a writing of my at the time 12 year old about his perspective of our journey to America. It's hard to believe we were leaving on an airplane 2 years ago this month to head to America, seems like forever ago! Here is the journey through the eyes of a 12 year old:

It was August 7th, we ate breakfast in Romania for one last time. Then we rode to church. We had one last Sunday School lesson (about Abraham), and one last church service. Then we got in Dad's golden van for one last ride. I'm gonna miss my old room, and my basketball, and my basketball book, hoop, and most of all my friends and home. At the border, no one seemed to mind we weren't going to be seeing Romania for a year. Even though America is my official 'home' it seems so foreign. We drove to the airport, said goodbye to Dad, who we wouldn't be seeing for one whole month, and hopped on the plane to London.

     Then we got on the plane to America. When we landed in Chicago, Spence was sick. What a sight we must have been, 3 arguing 1st graders, 1 quiet 3rd grader, a 6th grader throwing up, 1 tired 7th grader, and one VERY FRUSTRATED MOM!! When we went to see which terminal we needed to go to, mom saw the most horrible word a mom with 6 kids could possibly see: CANCELED. We got in some LONG pointless line for hours. Finally, it was our turn. The lady eventually (after another few hours) got us a food voucher and a fancy hotel. We hopped on this cool bus and drove to the fanciest hotel ever!!! We were on floor 14 and the beds were so comfortable I was almost glad our flight was canceled.

     The next day we flew to New York, and if I had been on the other side of the plane, I would've seen the Statue of Liberty. When we got to Charlotte, Papa Mac picked us up in the biggest van in the world. We ate poptarts and saw our new 'home'!! We explored, ate rice crispie treats for the first time, and hugged Aunt Gigi, Nana, and met our new neighbors-the Garzonys. Gina quickly became friends with Elliana, the Garzony's little girl. We slept in our beds for the first time. When we woke up, we ate breakfast for the first time, played outside for the first time, and best of all, the woods were right outside our door!! I wonder what kind of stuff we'll do in the woods...or how many friends we'll make...or what adventures we'll have in America...


Angela said...

LOVED reading this!

Angela said...

LOVED reading this!